Aug 23, 2007

Home away from home

Visiting Duluth is always like being home, while we're away from home. Mom and I play plenty of cards, and she enjoys spoiling the granddaughters. This visit was so David could attend a conference for work, but when we can all go it's a bonus. I love seeing how much Duluth changes every time I go. Had a few chances to eat out at "Duluth only" restaurants; inlcuding The Brewhouse, and Bellisio's. Gotta love when $20 of David's dinner is being reimbursed by the much eating ensued.

Aug 1, 2007

Settling In

Time is going by very fast. David's already blown me "out of the water" and gotten so much done around here. Amazing what a difference another adult in the house makes... We put up more shelves in the garage and re-organized. We purchased (long overdue) a new dining room table, with 6 chairs. It seems our family of 5 outgrew our table for 4 as soon as he returned. I really wanted him to pick it out with me in person rather than on-line!

A Long Awaited Arrival

Today David arrived home after 22 months of depoyment; 16 months of that in Iraq. We are all very excited to see him, finally. Abigail also happens to be 22 months old, which coincides almost exactly with the deployment. I kept wishing time would go by faster, and he would get home; but then I realized that meant she was also getting bigger by the day as well.