Feb 22, 2008

I'm hooked

Since I used to watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursday nights, it was a little difficult to find a worthy replacement. I'm so tired of (partially watching) Omorosa rant and rave....So when they announced a new show coming on Thursday nights, the previews looked decent. I started watching Lipstick Jungle and now am totally hooked. It doesn't hurt that there's a couple gentlemen on the show that are easy on the eyes....I missed watching last week for what ever reason and thanks to the shows on-line, I could catch up. Now I just have to wait until next week to see what happens. It started about three weeks ago, so I don't know how they managed to have writers but I am happy they did somehow.

Feb 7, 2008


Today Ashley got what could be considered the best news (so far) of her life! We went to her routine (every 6 weeks) orthodontist appointment today. We knew the Dr. said she would probably be able to get the braces off sometime in the spring. Hmmm.... not very specific, but I'm sure they have to wait and see what happens. So as we were driving there, I mentioned to Ashley that next time could be the last appointment with braces ON, and I was correct! She gets them taken off on April 1st and April 10. I don't think she could be happier! I will post the before and after pictures then. I fortunately cannot relate to this, but her Aunties can! She said the first thing she wants to eat is a bag of apples and caramel dip. How cute is that?

Feb 1, 2008

over the river and through the woods...

Where else would that lead, but to Grandma's house?! The little girls and I are heading up to Duluth for the weekend, and David has drill. He drove up early this morning. We really miss being only 5 minutes away from the grandparents, but this makes the visit that much more special. My plans include: meeting Margo's new baby Trevor, going to a baby shower for a different friend, and possibly squeeze in some time for a cocktail with a girlfriend. We could possibly end up at the Brewhouse on Saturday night with friends too, hard to tell. Last time we forgot to bring our growler jug to be filled, so it's already in the car. Amanda has been talking about the visit all week, she can't wait to see the grandparents! (Photo of baby Trevor, he's SO adorable!)