Sep 27, 2007

Too Funny!

Abigail has a certain imp-ish personality. When she's at Grandma Taylor's, she walks around with her hands behind her back because she knows she's not supposed to touch anything... my mom thought that was hilarious. She found Ashley's tube of mascara, opened it and proceeded to color her entire face with it. Another day she found the only 2 markers in an entire school-box of crayons and colored her face red. When she eats cereal or ice cream now, she lifts up the bowl when it's almost gone and drinks from the bowl. Hmmm, I wonder where she got that from? Her big sisters, I'm sure. Earlier today I took the older girls to the dentist so Abby was home alone with daddy. Evidently while David was going to the bathroom, she started trying to undress herself and sat down on her potty chair. Well, since daddy hasn't been here in awhile, he didn't know that it played music when something goes into the little bowl. That must have impressed David, because then he proceeded to call me (while I'm at the dentist office waiting room) to ask me "why didn't you tell me Abby's potty chair played music?" I was a little bit curious as to why he called me to ask me that, but he seemed so excited that I just went with it. He said he was going around the house trying to figure out which phone was ringing - his cell phones or home phone, when it was just the potty chair.

One of the words that Abby now says is "chips". We have her big sister Ashley to thank for that. Abby now loves doritos or any chips. She calls most everything chips, even if it isn't chips; but it usually means she wants a snack. I've snuck in plenty of pretzels and grapes instead of chips, and she doesn't seem to mind. So, like Krista said we have to watch what we do and what we say because she wants to do exactly the same things. Her favorite "copy" move is to walk around the house with every bag, purse or otherwise and hop on her Dora car-I wonder where she thinks she's going to go.... to Grandma's house I'm sure! Looks like she's taking after her Aunty Carrie-with her love of purses; already!

Sep 20, 2007

Too many birthdays?

I'm not really saying this; but there are 3 birthdays and 1 anniversary within 5 days of each other in our family. Amanda-10/5, Nathan 10/8, Tom & Krista (anniversary) 10/9, and Abigail on 10/10. That's crazy, but its also fun. No, this really wasn't "planned", but once Krista & I realized our babies (Nathan, Abby) were due on the same day....I think it's kind of cool. Nathan decided he wanted to have his own day to be born, and then Abby wanted to wait to make sure her daddy could be here. As far as Amanda & Abby, it was sort of "planned", in the respect that I didn't want them more than 6 years apart. Little did I know that they would end up being exactly 6 years and 5 days apart!!! This year we're considering a triple-birthday in Duluth for all three of them; complete with the entire family. Sammy's pizza is sounding better by the minute! Oh-this isn't the end of the "October mayhem", we also have cousins and kids of cousins which is like 7 more birthdays. No more babies from the Wallace clan though. :(

Sep 19, 2007

this is me then...

I've seen this on several blogs; so here I go!
20 years ago: 1. I was a sophomore at Duluth Central H.S. 2. Met my now husband in gym class 3. Was a "band" geek playing the clarinet
10 years ago: 1. I had been married for 4 years 2. Only had 1 daughter 3. Had been working at Republic Bank for 2 years
5 years ago: 1. I now have 2 daughters 2. Was still working at Republic Bank
3 years ago: 1. Was still working at Republic Bank 2. My husband returned from Bosnia deployment 3. My husband's best friend passed away unexpectedly at age 35
1 year ago: 1. I had lived in the Twin Cities for over 1 year 2. My husband was 12 months into a 22-month deployment 3. Abigail turned 1 year old, Amanda turned 7 years old
So far this year: 1. Ashley started high school 2. David returned home safely from deployment in Iraq 3. Did a lot of painting inside the house-every room except our bedroom
Yesterday: 1. I laid on the couch with a serious sinus cold watching DVD's 2. I talked to a friend in Duluth on the phone 3. I read half of a (very good) book
Tomorrow: 1. I will go grocery shopping 2. I will try to tackle some laundry, because I still don't feel well today 3. Take Abby to the park
In the next year: 1. Our family will go on a long overdue vacation to Orlando! 2. I want to learn how to make those cool washcloths that David's grandma used to make 3. Make time to use all the scrapbook stuff I have

Sep 18, 2007

A sick hubby...

David went into the E.R. a week ago Monday with pain in his side. He had this problem once before while he was in Iraq and suspected a Gall Stone; but with no ultrasound, hard to confirm. Well, the E.R. did confirm it was a large stone and had no way of passing on its own. They referred him to a General Surgeon for a consult. The surgeon felt it would be much better to remove the Gall Bladder than just removing the stone to allow this problem to reoccur. So, he's going to Woodwinds in Woodbury on Friday for day-sugery. Then he'll have the weekend, plus next Monday & Tuesday off from work to recover. His boss already said if she thinks he's come back too soon, she'll call me and ask me if it was too soon and send him home. Too funny; he can't argue with a wife and a boss! I'm sure they'll give him something good for the pain, but the girls and I will take good care of him. Don't we always, though? I told a life-long friend (Dawn) about this, and she said "hasn't your family been through enough already?" I can't agree more, but want him to feel better....

Sep 13, 2007

Grey's Anatomy Addicts Anonymous

The countdown continues... exactly only 2 weeks to go until the season premiere!!! AHHHH! I got even more pshyched yesterday when Krista & I were talking about the show. So, hang in there a little longer and watch the re-runs; or in my case, watch Season 3's shows on-line! I have to laugh though, because of course my dear husband over-analyzes any medical show... or teases me about it being "soft porn". Ha ha, no worse than a soap opera and those are on in the middle of the day! But I will admit, McDreamy and McSteamy are awfully cute!!

Sep 10, 2007

Things about me...

Various restaurant jobs: cashier, hostess, waitress; Personal Banker

Duluth, Great Lakes, IL, Duluth (again), Cottage Grove

Mississippi, Florida, Chicago, Wisconsin Dells

Steak, Chicken Caesar salad, Chocolate, Twice-baked potatoes

Sep 2, 2007

A Freshman???!!!

Ok, now I really feel old... (no comments, please from the younger siblings :) My eldest daughter Ashley is now a Freshman in High school... Still will attend same school this year and switch over to the High School next year. She also got into the Honors English class and Geometry this year, and also has Acoustic Guitar (maybe she can teach Carrie!) Time has flown way too fast. She and her girlfriends are already talking about going to the "Spring Fling" dance as each other's dates, rather than going with a boy... Makes her daddy very happy!