Nov 17, 2008

Thanksgiving 101

This year our family is hosting a small-ish Thanksgiving. My mom and dad, and my sister Krista & her family will be coming. It's been a few years since we have cooked the big meal, so I have been prepping by watching (and recording) the numerous Food Network shows about it. Geeky? Yeah, maybe... But I did learn some new things. David likes to take his time doing meals, where I'm more the type to hurry and get it done. Example, he wants to put the turkey in a brine. I would probably be more likely to baste it. He wants to have 3 vegetables, I want to have 2. Altough I did convince him to let me make Waldorf salad. Mom is bringing her homemade apple and pumpkin pies, and her cranberry sauce. I will be doing more research for cooking tips this week!

This Thanksgiving I will be praying for our family members and family friend who have some medical obstacles they're facing.

What are your family traditions on Thanksgiving?


Krista said...

Mmmm...I can't wait!!! Don't stress too much, just have fun with it. Sounds like we're going to use some old traditions, and perhaps start some new ones!!!
Love the new layout.

Carrie said...

Actually, I have those same shows on Tivo right now...I'm right there with ya!