David went into the E.R. a week ago Monday with pain in his side. He had this problem once before while he was in Iraq and suspected a Gall Stone; but with no ultrasound, hard to confirm. Well, the E.R. did confirm it was a large stone and had no way of passing on its own. They referred him to a General Surgeon for a consult. The surgeon felt it would be much better to remove the Gall Bladder than just removing the stone to allow this problem to reoccur. So, he's going to Woodwinds in Woodbury on Friday for day-sugery. Then he'll have the weekend, plus next Monday & Tuesday off from work to recover. His boss already said if she thinks he's come back too soon, she'll call me and ask me if it was too soon and send him home. Too funny; he can't argue with a wife and a boss! I'm sure they'll give him something good for the pain, but the girls and I will take good care of him. Don't we always, though? I told a life-long friend (Dawn) about this, and she said "hasn't your family been through enough already?" I can't agree more, but want him to feel better....
So at least this will alleviate it for good, right??
That sucks. Since its day-surg, are they doing it laproscopically? I heard its a teeny tiny incision and people feel better in a day or two.
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