Apr 8, 2008

F I N A L L Y!

We finally found and bought our first house! I can't believe everything finally all came together; considering how many properties we looked at. This house is still in Cottage Grove, all of maybe a 1/2 mile away! The seller has to find a new house and have until May 15, (per the P.A.) but shouldn't be an issue at all. We could still walk away if we decide not to wait until May 15 or even extend the time they have. So for now we are set to close on May 23. Not concrete on what day we'll move but that will all come together when they find a house. Stay tuned!


Carrie said...

Congrats! That's great news! You'll have to show it to us when we come down at the end of the month : )

LadyP said...

Congrats! It's exciting isn't it?! Good luck with the move!