Apr 12, 2008

cheesecake heaven

We met our friends for dinner in St. Paul, and then came back to our place for dessert. They treated us to an indulgent cheesecake from Cafe Latte' on Grand Ave. I kid you not, this was the best cheesecake I've ever had! It was not overly rich like most cheesecake, but very light and creamy. The best part was the sugar-cookie crust; YUM! I guess Rachael Ray has visited there on one of her shows. I will have to go and check it out! Then they insisted on leaving the remaining pieces for us; this could be dangerous! Anyone in the area up for coffee and cheesecake??!!
AND, to top the day off, the sellers of our new house bought a house and we're all set! YEAH! We have our inspection on Monday, so here we go!


Carrie said...

I usually order a soup and the chocolate cake when I'm there...then a BIG glass of milk. It's one of the main things I miss about St. Paul!

Krista said...